Exchange Rates Tab of the Currency Schedules Screen

Use the Exchange Rates tab to view the valid exchange rates that were loaded from the web site. You can narrow down the results by using the options in the Filter group box.

The table displays the From Currency, To Currency, Effective Date, and Exchange Rate. You can add a row to the table and also edit and delete a row from the table by selecting the check box in the column on the left side of the table.


Field Description
From Currency

Use the drop-down list to select the From currency. This narrows down the results to include only those currencies that have an exchange rate linked to the From currency selected.

To Currency

Use the drop-down list to select the To currency. This narrows down the results to include only those currencies that have an exchange rate linked to the To currency selected.

Effective Date

Use the drop-down list to select the effective date. This narrows down the results to include only those currencies that have the effective date selected.


Click this button to fill the Exchange Rate table.

Add Line

Use the Add Line function to add an additional exchange rate to this currency schedule.

From Currency

Click to select a currency to be used as the From currency. This is the currency that will be converted. Only active currencies are available for selection.

To Currency

Click to select a currency that will be used as the To currency. This is the currency to which the currency will be converted. Only active currencies are available for selection.

Effective Date

Click to select the date on which this exchange rate is effective. Any expenses entered after this date, but before the next date with the same From and To currencies, will use this exchange rate.

Exchange Rate

Enter the exchange rate for the From to the To currency.

Edit Line

Select the exchange rate that you wish to edit by selecting the check box next to the row that you wish to edit. Then use the Edit Line function to edit the row.

From Currency

This non-editable field displays the From currency.

To Currency

This non-editable field displays the To currency.

Effective Date

This non-editable field displays the effective date of the exchange rate.

Exchange Rate

Enter the new exchange rate you wish to use.

Note: The new rate is valid only for new expense reports. Expense reports already in the system use the old exchange rate.
Delete Line

Select the exchange rate that you wish to delete by selecting the check box next to the row or rows that you wish to delete. Then use the Delete Link function to delete the row or rows.